Monday, December 29, 2008

Plaque and its Connection to Inflammation

 Plaque is bad for teeth. It creates a biofilm that bacteria will love, and it will cause the bacteria to slide in, and create tooth decay. Losing teeth does happen when there is too much bacterial decay.

Did you know, however, that it contributes to your overall health? Yes, plaque is a trigger for gum disease, which also causes inflammation not just in the mouth, but in other areas as well.

It’s been found that there is a link between plaque and gum disease, and also heart disease too. when your oral health is not taken care of, it markedly affects the overall bodily health.

With that said, here’s the connection between plaque and inflammation, and why taking care of your teeth produces long-term benefits. 

Plaque and Bodily health 

Gum disease causes your teeth to loosen from the gums, and they can fall out. but it’s so much more than that.

The bacteria from your mouth can travel to other places and cause inflammation. It can go from the mouth to the bloodstream and then to the heart, causing inflammation, clogged arteries, a stroke, or a heart attack. Yes, your oral health can kill you if you’re not taking care of it.

The inflammation causes a lot of problems especially near the heart. inflammation of this does translate to the heart, hardening the arteries. This is what causes it to be a challenge for the blood to flow towards the heart, and it puts you at risk for this. How much more? About 20%. So yes, if you’re not careful, you can put yourself at risk for one of the biggest killers of people period! 

It isn’t just heart disease. It can also cause diabetes and other issues.   If you don’t take care of your body, you will suffer, and the body does include the mind. 

Inflammation and Oral Bacteria 

Oral bacteria do respond to inflammation. The bacteria from that is seen as a foreign entity in other parts of the body, and thus, it will cause an inflammatory response. 

More research is coming out that the inflammatory response to oral bacteria does affect things, and because of this, people who don’t take care of their body and mind will indeed suffer. 

How to Prevent This 

We all don't want gum disease and heart disease, right? 

Well, the first solution to fixing this is to control the plaque that’s out there. to control it, you need to manage how much is there.   Brushing your teeth twice daily is important, and flossing once a day is also good.

Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash is also important, because it washes away that bad bacteria in its tracks.

But it’s more than just what you eat. Making sure that you also engage in the right habits to reduce inflammation is important. Consuming a diet high in healthy fruits and veggies, eating less sugars and starches, is really important for this. if you do eat something with sugars and starches, have some water. About 30 min after the meal, make sure to brush your teeth.

See your dentist as well. try to go biannually, and have them screen you for plaque or other problems. Their help will assist you in providing long-term health and wellness responses.

Managing plaque isn’t just good for the here and now, and to prevent your teeth from breaking down, but it’s also good for the health of your body as well. You can prevent some major diseases through this, so make sure that you work towards total-body wellness today through managing your gum health.

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