Correction Methods for Overbites

Overbites are a common problem, and if you struggle to show your face because of the way that your teeth look, you probably suffer from misalignment of teeth, or malocclusion. There are different types of bites that are considered malocclusion, and this is something that needs to be correct with the right treatments, which we’ll go over here. 

What exactly is malocclusion? 

This is known typically as bad bites and is when the upper portions of your teeth, also known as the maxillary teeth, and the bottom teeth, also called the mandibular teeth, don’t fit correctly, which results in difficulties with various aspects, and it can impact how they come together. 

Class 1 is when you have normal occlusion where the teeth usually are aligned, but the maxillary will only be slightly over the mandibular teeth area. This is usually a result of spacing, rotated, or crowded teeth. There is class 2, which is a severe form of this, with the upper teeth way over the lower ones . Then there is class 3, where the mandibular is usually projecting further out, which makes the chin more prominent.  The maxillary teeth usually sit behind the mandibular when you close the mouth. 

The cause of this is usually teeth shifting, and most people deal with an overbite. They can be due to genetics, or bad jaw alignment. The habits usually create a jaw that is underdeveloped in some way. Sucking the thumbs, overfeeding on your bottle, or thrusting your tongue too many results in this. If you bite your nails or chew on the eraser heads you have, this creates an overbite. 

Correction Methods 

There is not a limit for this, but it’s better to get this done younger. Once decided, your next plan of action is to talk to the orthodontist to discuss the positioning and ways to handle the misalignment of the teeth, and they may take impressions. From there you’ve got a few options. The first, and usually most common, are braces and Invisalign, which is basically a way to fix the misalignment of the teeth, and the type of braces that are there do depend on how much the bite extends. The correction also does vary, and it can takes years for it to work. 

Then there is extraction of the teeth. If it’s really severe, you may need extraction so that the teeth sit in the correct place. This is more common in younger patients however, as most of the time this is done to fix the spacing within the teeth before the adult teeth fully erupt. 

There is also surgery, since if you struggle with a bite, simply due to the way your jaw is positioned, it can help a lot. This is usually the most extreme version, since usually it’s more invasive and extensive, and it’s something that’ll help with the smile. 

Depending on how sever it is, the orthodontist may help with this. That way, you can be much more confident with the teeth, and there are tons of corrective options that are out there. The best part is that for dental treatment there’s no specific limit to getting this. Sometimes, you can get this way into your adult years if you absolutely need it, and you’ll be able to, with this, correct the problems with your teeth, and fix that bite before it gets out of hand, and with this, you can feel better, more confident than ever before, and it can change your life, so if you haven’t gotten the help that you need already for this, then go for it right now.

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